The primary focus is to help you, as life partners to understand your natural personalities, talents, strengths and challenges, how they compare and why you ‘do what you do’. Then, how to use this knowledge to strengthen your professional and personal lives.
Embracing personality profiling is a commitment to understand yourself and your partner on a deeper level. This is one of the best tools for navigating both your professional and personal life. Once you gain insight into your personalities individually and as a couple, you have a clearer picture of who you are, and what makes you both tick.
This is about finding your North Star – the direction you want your lives to take. Many couples are so busy with their business, family and just keeping their heads above water that they do not take the time to remember why they went into business in the first place, and the direction they would like their life to go. We also call this Life by Design and cover your individual and joint goals, direction and the outcomes you are looking for.
We will also look at each of your driving values, your principles, your purpose, passions, love languages, beliefs and much more. Together we develop your joint guiding principles for the business and your family.
This is about having a step-by-step process to provide you with clarity, a joint plan to keep you both heading in the same direction and on-target. This will greatly assist you with your strategic decisions both for your business and your family.
The quote from Alice in Wonderland sums it up beautifully:
Alice: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
Cheshire Cat: “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”
Alice: “I don’t much care where.”
Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.“
Once you have a better understanding of each other, you have your North Star, the next step is to start navigating to where you want to go. Both of you must have total clarity about the roles you play both in your business and in your home life. The Identity compasses form a significant input to identifying the roles as these need to be based on natural talents and where each partner is most in flow.
It’s about establishing boundaries, areas of responsibility (and accountability), having processes that build trust, and avoiding micro-management, whilst still collaborating on key matters.
However, there will be many challenges that will seek to derail you on your flight path. That is why we have identified six different areas that can be addressed. Select the one(s) that will allow you to move forward the fastest and we will help you to navigate your way to success.
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